Who even are you

About me

My name is Tom Gooden and I'm a Texas based Developer and Designer who specializes in custom solutions for businesses including internal tooling and customer facing applications.

I'm a user-experience junkie, and for the past 18+ years I've been professionally creating websites and applications for businesses and governments of all sizes. My passion is coming up with ideas to make processes more efficient utilizing the JAMstack. You can usually catch me hanging out in the CodeHelp discord server.


Here is a list of goodies I’ve compiled that I use in design, development, and just everyday life.


A little more...

Above all else I am a Dad to 3 kids and 2 35 dogs. During my downtime I like to learn new things that help expand my development skill-set, comic and MTG collecting, spending time outside, fishing and camping.

© 2025 Tom Gooden