FindMyTherapist.comFind My Therapist

Searchable directory of therapists that allows users to filter or search based on location, issues, insurance, and more.

  • React
  • GatsbyJS
  • Tailwind
  • Salesforce
  • Algolia
Tom Gooden Find My Therapist Design Laptop
Tom Gooden GLPG Check-in Portal Design iPad

GLPGMobile Patient check-in

A progressive web app designed and developed to allow patients to self check-in for their appointments.

  • Svelte
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS
  • Salesforce

Project roadmap

The "4 D's" as some call it, a common approach to deciphering the lifecycle of a website or application project. Planning is everything. Without implementing and executing a real plan of action, your project will begin to take on water.

  • 1. Discover

    To determine the real scope of the work, we'll work closely together to learn your goals and pain points. This step is important to ensure we identify what problems we will be solving.

  • 2. Design

    Based on the findings of discovery, your project will be planned from start to finish. Deliverable timelines will be established, as well as initial concepts created.

  • 3. Develop

    With the planning done, it's time to start bringing these ideas to life. Each project has a strict development process to ensure quality is met.

  • 4. Deploy

    The final phase in the roadmap. Your application will be tested and then deployed. This isn't the end of the overall journey however. Digital tools require ongoing attention and care.

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